Pictured below: The Book of Mac Carthaigh Riabhach, also known its 'The Book of Lismore’. celebrated in this Celtic revival stained glass window of St Carthage in Lismore Cathedral. The window is by Watsons of YoughaL

This is the sixth edition of the Journal of the Kilbrittain Historical Society. In the past year and a half, the world has lived through a truly historic period. As a consequence of pandemic lockdowns, and the prohibition of large gatherings, many important events to commemorate the centenary of the War of Independence were unable to take place. This edition of our journal aims to address this lacuna somewhat with the inclusion of a special section on theWar of Independence in Kilbrittain. The people of Kilbrittain and surrounding districts were pivotal in the success of the old IRA in their conflict with British State Forces. It is important that their stories are told, and that their own voices are heard 100 years later.
While there were some local people involved in the struggle whose contributions are not fully detailed in this edition, the articles that have been written give the reader a real sense of the culture of
determination, sacrifice and courage that was embodied by the people of Kilbrittain during this seminal period of Irish history.
During 2020 there was further cause to celebrate in Kilbrittain as the Book of Mac Carthaigh Riabhach, commonly called The Book of Lismore', was returned to Cork after many years.
Produced in Kilbrittain, it is recognised as one of the most important surviving manuscripts of Medieval Ireland. In this volume, we have the first of a two-part study on the origins, content and dissemination of the book from the world's foremost expert on the 'Book of Lismore'.
Other important topics covered in this year's edition include articles about the ESB and rural electrification, a heart-warming story of humanity across enemy lines during World War 1, and a very interesting article, which has contemporary resonance, about a police killing of a local man at a fair in Kilbrittain in 1868. As usual, we have some excellent photography and pieces of local interest which will appeal to many readers.
Our series of historical journals continues to showcase the rich
heritage of Kilbrittain. Its deep history is mined by our superb
contributors, who kindly give of their time and expertise to produce
articles that will help future generations to understand their past.
We hope that our readers will encounter the courage, dignity and
humanity of our ancestors through the stories told in these pages.
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